My name is Muh Khoirul Huda Front end

Knowing the web world since the age of 16, and continues to work to create a css framework - valclass and dragme web builder

images images

There are several languages ​​or digital platforms that I can use to create a website depending on my needs


React js

React is a free and open source front-end JavaScript library for building interfaces users based on UI components.


Bootstrap 5

The bootstrap framework is a free and open source CSS framework for designing websites and web applications.


Tailwind css

Open source CSS framework. The main feature of this library is that, unlike CSS frameworks like Bootstrap, it does not provide standard classes for elements.



JavaScript is a high-level and dynamic programming language. JavaScript is popular on the internet and web browsers



Redux is an open source JavaScript library for managing and centralizing application state. Used with libraries like React.



Firebase is a service from Google that is used to make it easier for application developers to develop applications

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Some web applications that I have made alone or with contributors


Framework valclass

The latest css framework that I made myself with several contributors, made using full javascript only. Provides a variety of utility and components


Weblatter app

Weblatter is a web application that provides many letter templates for your various needs. Permits, weddings, invitations and sick letters are available



Dragme is a web builder, a site to create a web quickly and easily with just a click of the existing component menu and you can download the source code


Integrasi API - Pixabay

A series of programming language code that can help developers to integrate data between two or more different applications at the same time


Counseling guidance - Project PHP

A website that provides online and targeted counseling services with expert counselors


Counseling guidance - Project PHP

A website that provides online and targeted counseling services with expert counselors

Ourdate is a digital platform for providing online marriage invitations

There are several examples of online wedding invitation letters with various types of packages from ourdate that you can check now

I have successfully created a website with my own css framework

The css framework - valclass was made by me and some of the contributors (friends) this css framework was built completely with javascript aka there is not a single css file used in this valclass

Certificate obtained after participating in a web design competition


A collection of websites with my own designs

I sometimes often create my own web designs according to my imagination and taste until I collect some of the websites that I build with HTML, CSS and Javascript